Climate change

This article is about climate change. I’m sure you all know a lot about it since messages about doomsday or Greta Thunberg pop up on the news every now and again.

Unfortunately, most people don’t take it seriously(looking at you, Donald Trump). But just because they don’t take this seriously doesn’t mean you shouldn’t. Here are some ways you can help.

First of all, don’t go on too many holidays. Holidays are a luxury, and it kinda loses it’s appeal if you go on too many. And even if you insist on going on a lot of holidays, maybe try to take the train or the car instead of a flight and stay with a local family instead of a five-star hotel. That way, you’ll be able to enjoy more local destinations and traditions.

Second of all, don’t call people unless absolutely necessary. Text instead. It’s more environmentally friendly.

Third of all, don’t eat that much meat. Besides being harmful to the environment, it has a bigger chance of making you obese and most farms aren’t that nice to animals too. But if you insist on eating it, don’t eat beef. Cows fart a lot, need a lot of land( which is taken through deforestation), and it takes a lot of water to wash it. And if you love fish, try to buy fish that isn’t endangered. Don’t just buy whatever fish there is in the supermarket because they still endangered species.

And, last of all, don’t vote for Donald Trump. He’s a businessman, not a leader. Haven’t you noticed that in all of his business conferences, he has not mentioned the huge toll of dead Americans? He has also taken away many measures put in by former President Obama, which makes him a threat to our environment.

So, there you have it! A few tips for helping the environment. If you want to learn more, view these links:

I hope you learnt something new today!